How does the Battery Optimized Rate Plan work?

We install advanced battery equipment at your premises, and connect to the local utility. We then sell electricity to the property with a fixed rate of savings over the best utility rate available for your electricity usage.

We are able to offer lower electricity prices by shifting load to overnight rates, reducing size-of-pipe charges, and providing services to the local utility.


How does the Solar Rate Guarantee Plan work?

We install solar equipment, and connect to the local utility. We can then offer a fixed and discounted rate for this electricity, which does not increase with rate inflation. We can install on rooftops, parking lots, and unused land on your business property. We remove all equipment at the end of the term.

We are able to provide a fixed, inflation-proof electricity rate because our solar equipment and financing costs are incurred up-front.



development pipeline


years experience


capital value in operation


M&A transactions


junior development firms


square kilometres of solar
added to grid

Ontario Development Pipeline

Environmental results

The Earth receives more energy from the sun in one hour than the world consumes throughout the year. Economies of scale in solar and storage make it cost-effective to transition towards using renewable energy, instead of fossil fuel which emits greenhouse gasses that pollute the atmosphere.

Fortunately, it has been proven that using renewable energy does not contribute to climate change, so by partnering your commercial properties and farm land with us, you can safely develop solar energy projects that benefit you and your communities.

Every 500 kW solar projects is equivalent to…

Protecting 327 acres of mature

Offsetting the emissions from 85
passenger vehicle

CO2 emissions from 6,880,000
pounds of coal

Greenhouse gas emissions avoided by recycling 3,000 tons of waste instead of sending it to the landfill

We make it easy for businesses to reduce costs using solar and storage.

By partnering with Renewable Power Partners, you generate savings for your business — while giving your community a clean, resilient electricity grid.

Commercial Landlords
and Apartments
Large Commercial